From SKAN to AdAttributionKit

Winning With Privacy-First Mobile Campaigns

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In June this year, Apple made a few meaningful changes to its privacy-first attribution framework (earlier SKAdNetwork). Besides releasing the much-awaited re-engagement tracking, Apple is now transitioning from SKAN to AdAttributionKit to further enhance its privacy-preserving measurement.
Whether you had success with Apple SKAdNetwork earlier or not, AdAttributionKit deserves a closer look, and this is what this webinar is about. Our panel of performance and privacy experts will look at AdAttributionKit and SKAN and discuss the current state of iOS privacy:
  • Why Apple switches to AdAttributionKit and keeps its course toward privacy
  • AdAttributionKit vs SKAdNetwork must-knows, and what forces might advance or hinder adoption
  • Using AdAttributionKit and overcoming crowd anonymity to get more data insights
  • The future of AdAttributionKit and what features to expect and not expect
Watch our discussion packed with practice-driven tips from top operators in the mobile privacy space.