Smadex’s SKAN Guide for Marketers

A Roadmap of iOS Advertising From SKAN to AdAttributionKit

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The introduction of App Tracking Transparency (ATT) has significantly impacted mobile app marketing, requiring advertisers to seek alternative methods for tracking user behavior. Apple’s SKAdNetwork (SKAN) emerged as a solution, providing a framework for measuring ad performance while prioritizing user privacy.

Key Considerations for Marketers

  • Understand the SKAN landscape: Familiarize yourself with key concepts like App IDs, Source IDs, conversion values, and postbacks.
  • Embrace SKAN: Transition your campaigns to SKAN 4.0 to leverage its enhanced features and ensure compliance with Apple’s privacy standards.
  • Utilize Flexible Mapping: Optimize your campaigns by mapping relevant variables using tools like Smadex’s Flexible Mapping to gain deeper insights into performance.
  • Stay updated: Keep abreast of the latest SKAN developments, including AdAttributionKit (AAK), to maintain effective measurement and optimization strategies.

Smadex’s Role

Smadex offers valuable solutions for advertisers navigating the SKAN landscape. Its Flexible Mapping tool enables granular campaign optimization, while its expertise in SKAN implementation and optimization can help businesses succeed in the privacy-focused mobile advertising environment.

Call to Action

Don’t let privacy changes hinder your mobile marketing success. By understanding SKAN and implementing strategies like Smadex’s Flexible Mapping, you can navigate the evolving landscape, optimize your campaigns, and drive impactful results while respecting user privacy.