Remerge releases a complete guide for app retargeting campaigns in 2024

Posted: November 30, 2023

So you’ve evaluated your mobile app retention strategy and decided to launch a new retargeting campaign? But what happens next? How do you get started? What’s the best way to set and achieve your goals? Remerge has the solution in its complete guide to in-app retargeting.

Remerge has covered everything you need to know about running app retargeting campaigns in 2024. The guide includes insights on how the programmatic ecosystem works, segmentation strategies, retargeting’s role in the privacy-first era, and why creative strategies matter more than ever when bringing users back into your app.

Highlights include:

  • A full overview of the technical setup required for a successful retargeting campaigns
  • The most important goals, KPIs, and metrics
  • How the Android Privacy Sandbox will transform app retargeting
  • The status of the mobile marketing industry following the rollout of Apple’s ATT framework  

Access the guide for free.