Mobile gaming offers diverse benefits as 71% of gamers notice reduced stress

Anne Freer | October 17, 2023

App Business

71% of those playing games on mobile and other devices say that it reduces stress in just a few minutes. That’s according to the “Power of Play 2023” report, released by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), which highlight the multifaceted advantages of gaming that reach far beyond mere entertainment. Let’s take a look.

Gamers report boosted health

The report finds that the majority of gamers said they noticed some stress reduction within just a few minutes of engaging in gaming. 61% reported feeling less anxious and 58% said they felt less isolated.

What’s particularly noteworthy is that this stress-relieving effect is not limited by factors such as age, location, or cultural background. Gamers around the world are experiencing the therapeutic benefits of gaming.

Gaming reduces stress

Source: ESA

However, the benefits of gaming extend even further. Mobile gamers are constantly refining their skills while enjoying themselves. Whether it’s through improved reading comprehension, enhanced communication, or sharpened problem-solving abilities, gaming serves as a dynamic and effective learning platform.

Some 64% said it provided a healthy outlet for daily challenges while 63% said they felt happier after gaming.

Gamers feel happier

Source: ESA

The social side of gaming

What’s driving some of this increased satisfaction is the fact that gaming can be a good way to connect to other gamers. Approximately half of gamers say they play video games online with others each week.

One of the primary motivations for playing is of course fun. But Italy distinguishes itself as a unique outlier in the world of gaming with Italian predominantly viewing games as a means to “pass the time”. This distinction sets Italy apart from other countries like Australia, France, the UK, or Japan, where the quest for enjoyment remains a universal driving force for gamers.

Reasons to play

Source: ESA

The findings underscore that mobile gaming is not merely a form of entertainment but a tool with diverse benefits, bringing joy, stress relief, skill development, and social connection to people across the globe.

Key takeaways

  • Gaming, regardless of age or location, offers a quick and effective way to reduce stress, with 71% of players experiencing relief in just minutes
  • Gamers report feeling less anxious (61%) and less isolated (58%), highlighting the positive impact of gaming on mental well-being
  • Italy stands out as a nation where gaming is predominantly viewed as a way to “pass the time,” distinguishing it from countries where the primary motivation for gaming is pure enjoyment