Mastering SKAdNetwork for app marketing success [new guide]

Posted: October 7, 2024

One of the most impactful recent developments for the app industry was Apple’s introduction of the App Tracking Transparency (aka ATT) framework. It sent app marketers on a quest to find a new way for tracking mobile app users’ behavior.

To meet this demand, Apple had released SKAdNetwork (aka SKAN) which brought a new framework for app marketers to measure ad campaigns performance, while still respecting app user privacy.

Mobile growth platform Smadex has just released “A roadmap of iOS Advertising from SKAN to AdAttribuionKit” guide to help app marketers to learn about SKAN and use it efficiently for their mobile ad campaigns.

With this guide you will:

  • Learn about the key concepts of SKAN such as App IDs, Source IDs, conversion values, and postbacks;
  • Transition your existing campaigns to SKAN 4.0 to take advantage of its enhanced capabilities and ensure compliance with the Apple’s privacy standards;
  • Optimize your current campaigns by mapping relevant variables using tools like Smadex’s Flexible Mapping to gain deeper insights into performance;
  • Keep yourself up-to-date with the latest SKAN developments, including AdAttributionKit (AAK), and more.

Download the guide here.