Adsterra launches Sports Marathon for advertisers

Posted: February 26, 2024

Adsterra is happy to announce its Sports Marathon. As a top traffic source for iGaming campaigns, Adsterra gives advertisers an opportunity to earn enhanced cashback for their ad campaigns targeting selected GEOs.

Sports season is gaining momentum, and avid sports fans are eagerly waiting for their favourite teams and players to shine on the podiums. It’s a great time for advertisers to promote their campaigns, as the traffic numbers typically soar during tournaments and championships.

Here’s a real quick fact file about Adsterra Sports Marathon:

  • Who can join: all Adsterra advertisers (new and active ones)
  • Dates to run ad campaigns: February 10 – March 10, 2024
  • GEOs to buy traffic from: the USA (US), Brazil (BR), Mexico (MX), the UK (GB), India (IN) or South Africa (ZA)
  • Pricing models: CPM or CPC (prepay only)
  • Best verticals to advertise: iGaming, VPN, Utility, Subscriptions (other offers are also welcome)

Tips to make a good campaign

With such a variety of sports events unfolding, it may be hard to choose the ones that are really worth considering for campaigns. Hence, Adsterra has carefully chosen matches and fights that consistently attract high-intent audiences, leading to increased traffic and conversions on publishers’ websites. The table below shows select events that are bound to bring traffic to respective GEOs.

Adsterra Sports Marathon calendar

Source: Adsterra

Marathon registration

Registration is open at any time during the marathon, as well as all participants’ activities will contribute to calculating their rewards. However, registration is a mandatory condition for participation. Full details here.