During App Promotion Summit London 2024, Peggy Anne Salz met with leading app professionals to discuss the most recent advancements, trends, and innovations in the industry. In this episode of App Talk, Peggy and Bahar Bölükbast from madduck take a deep dive into the company’s subscription success secrets and the intricacies of subscription app marketing.

In the ever-changing mobile app landscape, technical expertise and business acumen must converge if an app is to succeed and become profitable. Most developers are more than capable of crafting innovative mobile apps, yet they often face challenges when it comes to mobile marketing and managing their app’s subscription business. This is where specialized partnerships become invaluable.

As Bahar explains, at madduck, they specialize in offering both marketing expertise and financial resources to developers. Their model allows developers to focus on what they do best, i.e. developing stellar apps, while madduck handles the complexities of marketing, monetizing, and scaling the app.

Bahar further emphasizes the importance of focusing on predicted lifetime value (LTV) as a crucial metric, steering away from short-term cash flow analysis toward long-term success.

Subscription success secrets with Bahar Bölükbast, Head of Publishing at madduck

Source: App Promotion Summit via YouTube

For developers venturing into the subscription model, working with experts who understand both the market and the nuances of app monetization can be the difference between a successful launch and a struggle to stay afloat.

Collaborating with a seasoned team of marketing and monetization professionals not only fosters growth but also creates an ecosystem where developers and marketers thrive together, producing results that are both impressive and sustainable.

Watch the full App Talk interview here to unlock all of Bahar Bölükbast’s secret tips.