During App Promotion Summit London 2024, Peggy Anne Salz met with leading app professionals to discuss the most recent advancements, trends, and innovations in the industry. In this episode of App Talk, Peggy and Alfred Awosanya from Quantum Metric delve into the company’s approach to app analytics.

Keeping tabs on their app analytics dashboard (a good example would be Google Analytics) is what allows brands to identify sections of their apps when drop-offs happen and the app users don’t place orders. Problem is that these platforms can go only that far – they don’t answer the question why app users don’t make purchases. This is where Quantum  Metric steps in to help brands to address this question.

Once the platform identifies culprits, it can also quantify the number of issues that occur in the app and report how much it costs a brand. In a fast moving market, when even minor issues, multiplied by hundreds of thousands users facing the same issues, can easily convert to a serious financial loss.

On top of that, prioritizing of the issues with the app is also crucial. App brand team may be aware of multiple issues with the app but cannot quickly identify what issue to solve first. Being paralyzed with an overwhelming number of issues may cause an app business loosing market to its competitors.

Quantum Leap in App Analysis: Unveiling the Magic with Alfred Awosanya, Quantum Metric.

Source: App Promotion Summit via YouTube

Now, in a situation when there aren’t any glitches with the app and yet people don’t take an action that is expected (place an order, register, subscribe and so on), how do you figure out what is wrong? Quantum Metric has a solution – business consulting to find a problem. When software can’t provide a solution, people need to step in and this is why the company has a team of app business consultants on staff to provide an actionable comprehensive plan to solve the issue.

Addressing the question what is one of the major factors that cause issues with mobile, Alfred pointed out that legacy solutions developed for web don’t work well for mobile and big established brands suffer the consequences.

By addressing the root causes of app performance issues and leveraging tailored business consulting, Quantum Metric empowers brands to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market. Their comprehensive approach ensures that both technical and strategic challenges are met with effective, actionable solutions.

Watch the full App Talk interview here to unlock all of Ramit Arora’s tips and insights.