Today we would like to share with you our vision of a full cycle of ASO from ASOdesk – to highlight those standard tasks that are a challenge for every ASO specialist.
App Store Optimization is a continuous working process with your application metadata in order to increase the downloads. The essential word here is “continuous”. To achieve a good result, it is required to have regular work, quite a large amount of iterations, correct and structured analytics to measure the performance of each iteration, professional tools to compile a semantic core and analyze competitors’ ASO-strategies.
In this article we’d like to go public about our vision of a full ASO cycle, important aspects that should be focused on during day-to-day work as well as what kind of tools can be of use to perform tasks of App Store Optimization at a professional level.
According to our vision, ASO is divided into 8 blocks:
- Creation of a semantic core.
- Creation of a semantic core for unknown languages.
- Preparation of metadata.
- Measurement of ASO performance.
- Working with ASO iterations.
- Working with keywords management.
- Keywords monitoring.
- Analysis of competitors’ ASO strategies.
Let’s consider each block.
Creation of a semantic core
Creation of a semantic core is the most expensive step when working with ASO. At the very beginning, it can take up to 70% of the time spent on ASO. The most essential thing in a core compilation is not to lose the crucially important keywords that are relevant to your application and provide traffic in the here and now. In this case, professional tools for compilation of a semantic core with a good module of automatic tips can come to the rescue.
For example, the automatic tooltip module and Missing Ranked Keywords in ASOdesk.
Creation of a semantic core for unknown languages
Entering new markets is one of the potential development points for your business. In most cases, you are not aware of the local language in the targeted markets. This can complicate the process of semantic core collection. Professional tools for collection of semantic core with options to translate into a language you know, such as English, can be of help. Such tools will help to shorten the time required to collect a semantic core in an unfamiliar language to you.
Preparation of metadata
When compilation of a semantic core is completed, an ASO-specialist is challenged to prepare a metadata for the next update. In this process, tools for working with the assembled semantic core can be useful, helping to cut down the time for metadata preparation. For example, tools with automatic character counting.
Measurement of ASO performance
One of the key tasks in App Store Optimization is the measurement of iteration performance. A properly set process for performance measurement provides information on how to build a further ongoing strategy.
Many first-time ASO-specialists perform superficial work on ASO measurement; they do not consider all available metrics that result in a wrong choice of ASO strategy.
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Get startedThere are 2 types of metrics when measuring performance. External metrics show in what way positions of your application change in search, for example, Keyword Ranking Distribution shows the distribution of the number of keywords by positions, allowing you to superficially assess your application visibility. Semantic Chart, which allows you to assess the quality of your semantic core. ASO Dashboard, which allows you to evaluate the internal metrics of your application at a professional level, such as Impressions, Product Page Views, App Units for various Source Type, such as App Store Search, App Store Browse.
Working with ASO iterations
App Store Optimization is continuous process for which the result requires time and a great number of iterations. Iterations may vary in types, for example, iterations to cover the semantic core or iterations to achieve top positions in search queries. In order to understand what direction to move in, which search queries to choose, professional tools for analysis are required. For example, a tool for analyzing of search queries groups upon which the application can develop further most beneficially.
Working with keywords management
Keywords management is one of the most important blocks. Competent management of keywords helps in working with iterations, daily monitoring of positions on keywords, and measuring of performance. At ASOdesk we recommend using professional keywords management tools with options to divide into query groups, advanced filters, text notes, and translation options. Provided systematization of requests will greatly simplify the routine daily work of an ASO specialist.
Keywords monitoring
Every day an ASO specialist is faced with the task to regularly monitor keywords. In order not to spend much time, professional tools come to the rescue, displaying the general picture for all-important keywords at one time.
As well as regular notifications by Email or Slack showing alterations in positions on search queries.
Analysis of competitors’ ASO strategies
Not the least and regular block of work of an ASO specialist is analysis of competitors. With competitor analysis, you can find good keywords for semantic core. To assess the performance of competitors’ ASO strategies. To perform a comparative analysis of positions.
As you can see, App Store Optimization includes a high volume of various tasks performed on a regular basis. Such ASO tools as ASOdesk are meant to help spend your time more efficiently, perform detailed analytics of your and your competitors’ applications, and stay current on the latest changes due to the regular reports.
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