In-App Response Rates (2025)

David Curry

Updated: January 22, 2025

User feedback is highly valued and sought after in the app industry, as it lets app developers know the mood of their users in real-time and provides a fast route to report user-side issues.

There are many tools available for apps looking to extract some user feedback, from the simple “are you enjoying this app” prompt to in-app surveys, push notifications, and app ratings.

With this arsenal of feedback systems, app developers are able to quickly respond to patch-related issues and retune their app.

Apps that interact with the customers through user feedback tend to have higher user retention and can identify new features faster than competitors.

We have collected data and statistics on in-app response rates. Read on below to find out more.

Key In-App Response Rate Statistics

  • 28% of apps pushed an in-app prompt to users in 2022, with utilities apps having the highest prompt rate
  • Over 90% of in-app prompts received a response, with 64% getting a positive response
  • 13% of in-app surveys sent to users received a response
  • Travel apps had the highest open rate of 29%
  • iOS apps had a 4.75 average rating, while Google Play apps had a 4.54 rating

App Prompt Interaction Rate

The percentage of users that were prompted with an interaction increased to 28% in 2022.

In-app prompt interaction rate 2019 to 2022 (%)

App Prompt Interaction Rate by Category

Utilities had the highest percentage of in-app prompts, with 50% of all apps sending one.

In-app prompt interaction rate by category (%)

Enjoying App Response Rate

The response rate from users prompted with an interaction was

Users that responded to enjoying app prompt (%)

Users that responded yes to enjoying app prompt (%)

In-App Survey Response Rate

In-app surveys had a 13% response rate, with Google Play at 15% and iOS at 12%.

In-app survey response rate (%)

Push Notification Open Rate

Travel apps had the highest push notification open rate, while fitness had the lowest.

In-app push notification open rate by category (%)

Average App Rating

The average app rating is very high, at 4.7 across both platforms. Media & entertainment apps have the lowest average rating by category.

Average app rating by platform

Average app rating by category

Willingness to Download by Rating

Less than 20% of people are willing to download an app under three stars. Over 90% are willing to download four stars and above.

Willingness to download an app by app rating (%)