App Download Key StatisticsApp and Game DownloadsiOS App and Game DownloadsGoogle Play App and Game DownloadsGame DownloadsiOS Game DownloadsGoogle Play Game DownloadsApp DownloadsiOS App DownloadsGoogle Play App DownloadsDownloads by CountryHours Spent by CountryApp Usage by AgeThe iOS App Store launched in 2008 with 500 apps. Today, there are over four million apps available across iOS and Android platforms, extending to a wide range of sub-genres and niches. These apps have come to play a huge role in the way we live our lives today. Through them, we can access the entire Western canon of music (and much beyond it too), meet romantic partners, manage our diaries, and pay people without cash or card. Augmented reality apps are changing the way we interact with the world, … Continue reading App Downloads Data (2025)
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