Our AI App Report is the most comprehensive piece of research on the AI app market, with detailed forecasts on the generative AI market and breakdowns of growth by type. We also cover funding for AI apps, usage and installs by app, demographics data and industry benchmarking statistics.
What is the market size of the AI app industry?
AI apps generated $1.8 billion in 2023, a 27% increase on the previous year. This industry is expected to grow rapidly over the next half a decade, with revenues surpassing $30 billion by 2030.
Which AI app has the most market share?
In terms of chatbots, OpenAI’s ChatGPT is far ahead of competitors with over fourth fifths of all chatbot app usage coming from that app. OpenAI also has a lead on others in terms of image generation, through DALL-E on ChatGPT.
What AI company has received the most funding?
OpenAI has received the most funding at $17.9 billion, with a large majority of this coming from Microsoft. Alongside the investment, Microsoft also provides its Azure cloud platform to OpenAI for much less than it would usually cost.
Sector overview
Generative AI has been the biggest technology talking point for the past 18 months, ever since the launch of ChatGPT. Fear of missing out on the AI hype train has led the entire tech industry to pivot to AI, with every company from the tech giants to small startups trying to market their AI prowess to customers and investors.
The two main services which have come out of generative AI are chatbots and image generators. ChatGPT is the lead chatbot in terms of revenue and usage, but there are a lot of competitors, including Google Gemini, Microsoft Copilot, Anthropic Claude and Meta AI. OpenAI also offers its chatbot model, GPT, to others through licensing agreements.
In terms of image generators, there are hundreds of options. Many image editing services added AI generation in 2023, usually offered as a premium add-on. OpenAI, Midjourney and Stable Diffusion are three models that offer image generation services.
It’s clear that chatbots and image generators are popular, but the size of this market is still hard to fully determine. There’s also the question of where else this technology can be integrated, and this is the question OpenAI and others are currently investing billions of dollars into solving.
Table of contents
- AI App Financials
- Market Size
- Market Size Forecast
- Revenue by Type
- Individual App Revenues
- App Funding
- App Valuations
- AI App Market Share
- Chatbot App Market Share
- Image Editor App Market Share
- LLM Market Share
- Voice Assistant Market Share
- AI App Usage
- Total Users
- Users Forecast
- Users by Region
- Users by Type
- Individual App Users
- Web Visits
- AI App Downloads
- Total Downloads
- Downloads by Type
- Individual App Downloads
- AI App Demographics
- Age Demographics
- Gender Demographics
- AI App Benchmarks
- Marketing Metrics
- Subscription Costs
The AI App Report – Research, Insights and Statistics is provided as downloadable PDF document with all data presented as charts and tables, so you can easily extract graphics and individual data. It provides an overview of the AI App sector’s financials, usage, downloads, market share, demographics, and benchmarks.
What’s included?
- Document: PDF
- Charts: 45
- Data Points: 855
- Pages: 51
The AI App Report – Research, Insights and Statistics has been assembled by our in-house team of analysts at Business of Apps. We believe this is the most comprehensive report available on the AI app market. If you have any questions get in touch data@businessofapps.com.
What apps are covered in this report?
- ChatGPT
- Microsoft Copilot
- Google Gemini
- Anthropic Claude
- Midjourney
- Perplexity
- Poly.ai
- Remini
- FaceApp
- Facetune
- Lensa AI
- Adobe Firefly
- Chat & Ask AI
- ChatOn
- ChatBox
- Nova
- AI Chat Smith
- Genie
List of Charts
- AI App Market Revenue
- AI App Market Forecast Revenue
- AI App Market Revenue by Region
- AI App Market Revenue by Type
- AI App Market Forecast Revenue by Type
- ChatGPT Forecast Revenue
- Microsoft Forecast Revenue from AI
- Anthropic Forecast Revenue
- GPT-Powered App Revenues
- AI Image Editor App Revenues
- Voice Assistant Revenues
- AI App Market Funding
- AI App Market Funding by Company
- AI App Valuations
- Stock Growth From AI
- Chatbot App Market Share
- AI Image Editor App Market Share
- Large Language Model Market Share
- Cloud Computing Market Share
- Data Center GPU Market Share
- AI App Users
- AI App Forecast Users
- AI App Users by Region
- AI App Users by Type
- AI Users by App
- ChatGPT Users
- Copilot Users
- Google AI Users
- Adobe Firefly Usage
- AI App Web Visits
- AI App Downloads
- AI App Downloads by Type
- Chatbot Downloads by App
- AI Image Editor Downloads by App
- ChatGPT Downloads
- Microsoft Edge Downloads
- Chatbot Age Demographics
- AI Image Editor Age Demographics
- Chatbot Gender Demographics
- AI Image Editor Gender Demographics
- AI App Retention
- AI App Conversion
- AI App Subscription Costs
How does it work?
To get access to the AI App Report – Research, Insights and Statistics hit the buy now button above. After payment you will be taken to the download page to access your AI App Report – Research, Insights and Statistics PDF. If you need any help email data@businessofapps.com.
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