Nicoline grew up moving every 3 or 4 years, which made her a bit restless. She ended up in NYC for graduate school and wanted to challenge herself in the fast-paced intensity of the city after finishing her Master’s in Art History. The ever changing tech world attracted her and satisfied her need to always be learning new things. Recently she completed that self-imposed challenge and moved closer to family for a calmer life and has no regrets.

In your own words, what’s your role in the app business right now?

I find myself spending a lot of time distilling the complex nature of the technology in this evolving industry into simpler terms so that there is a broader understanding and confidence not only in my clients but also in my colleagues. Working at a mobile measurement partner (MMP) puts me in a key position to connect app developers with the knowledge they need in order to succeed with their marketing efforts.

How did you end up working in apps? / get started?

After completing my Master’s in Art History I somehow found my way into advertising tech and apps. I enjoy the energy of quickly evolving technology and in this environment, I am also able to flex my creativity and teaching skills. The longer version of the story is best heard over a drink.

What are you most excited about in apps right now?

Though the push for privacy and signal loss has been a definite challenge for the industry, I am excited to see machine learning in tools for incrementality, MMM, and predictive analysis be on the rise. I am in the infancy of learning and understanding the methodologies and I am enjoying the challenge, especially since I haven’t been exposed to much data science in the past.

Is there anyone you’d like to shout out to who has influenced your journey in the app industry?

It was a dear friend who connected me with industry folks after I graduated from graduate school. These connections helped me break into the industry and then I had the privilege of working with excellent managers and coworkers who were instrumental in mentoring me and helping me grow in my various roles.

What’s in your app tech stack?

At work, I would not survive without Slack and the Google Suite. Additionally, we use Salesforce and Atlassian for the majority of our work. We have a couple of new tools for Productboard and Naro that I am enjoying getting to use to improve efficiency, transparency, and access to information.

What do you like most about working in apps?

I enjoy that the technology and advancements in measurement and advertising are always keeping us on our toes. I enjoy the creativity and the mix of people who find their way into this industry.

What one thing would you change about the app industry/market? Where do you think there’s an opportunity for apps / or unmet needs?

I would make it more collaborative. I wish there were more opportunities for different players and competitors to come together and brainstorm ideas for improvements.

If you weren’t working in apps what would you be doing?

I am not really sure, probably in a museum or gallery somewhere spending my days speaking and writing about art. Not a bad alternative, I’d say.

iOS or Android?

iOS but I am the only one in my family.

What app(s) have been most useful to you over the last year?

Duolingo, NYTimes, The Economist, and AccuWeather.

What’s on your Spotify / Music party playlist?

I am always listening to a variety of old and new music and am very influenced by what my music-loving friends send me. This means my answer today would be different tomorrow.

Any Netflix/ TV show recommendations?

I am mostly a drama show watcher. Police procedurals often attract my attention. A couple of shows that may have gotten less attention that I enjoyed are Lupin and Mindhunter. Of course, at the moment I love the Bear.

Is there anything else we should know about you?

I love public speaking and meeting new people in the industry. If you want to get my attention talk to me about your pets. I love animals and have two cats at home.

Do you know someone driving change and growth in the app industry? Nominate an app leader here.

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