Mark has been working in the mobile app space since 2010 when he got his start at one of the first mobile ad networks, Jumptap. Mark has helped brands, gaming companies, mobile-first businesses, and agencies achieve goals around growth and user acquisition for the past 14 years.

He has served in various revenue-related roles at Jumptap, Adelphic, and Apptopia and leadership roles at Millennial and PCH Media. Currently, Mark is the VP of Sales at Dataseat (now part of Verve), where he leads the global sales team helping companies achieve performance goals.

In your own words, what’s your role in the app business right now?

I help businesses achieve growth and user acquisition goals for their apps.

How did you end up working in apps? / get started?

I sold software from 2007 to 2010 and wanted to get into an industry that was fast-paced and exciting. I really wanted to work with something I could be passionate about.

Apps were just gaining traction during this time (with the App Store launching in 2008), it was an incredibly exciting time to work in an industry where most companies were just figuring things out for the first time. At Jumptap, we were one of the first mobile companies with a team fully focused on performance for apps.

What are you most excited about in apps right now?

Being at Dataseat I am always keeping up to speed on all privacy changes occurring in the market. With the recent introduction of AdAttributionKit, I’m interested to see how apps adopt this new privacy-first attribution framework and am excited to be a part of the solution we can give to advertisers.

Is there anyone you’d like to shout out to who has influenced your journey in the app industry?

I have always been a huge Steve Jobs fan and admired his innovation. Building out the App Store which was an entirely new universe and ecosystem was incredibly exciting and something I wanted to dive into.

What’s in your app tech stack?

Zoom, Adobe, Slack, Photoshop, and Google Docs.

What do you like most about working in apps?

The environment is never stale and always changing. I am a fast mover and someone who needs to be challenged and the app space provides a perfect environment.

What one thing would you change about the app industry/market? Where do you think there’s an opportunity for apps / or unmet needs?

I’d love to see more gaming apps mimic the video games we had in the 90s. There were so many great games and although gaming has improved so much, I’d love to see more of those in the mix.

If you weren’t working in apps what would you be doing?

I would still be working in adtech in a revenue-related role. I love being in sales, it gives me the opportunity to meet and connect with new people every day.

iOS or Android?


What app(s) have been most useful to you over the last year?

I’m a big golfer, so any apps that improve my golf game. 18Birdies is one of my favorites.

What’s on your Spotify / Music party playlist?

I have a very wide range, anything upbeat.

Any Netflix/ TV show recommendations?

I’m a huge fan of The Office… I think I need some new show recommendations.

Is there anything else we should know about you?

I love being active… Crossfit, golf, skiing, baseball, etc. Anything that gets me outside!

Do you know someone driving change and growth in the app industry? Nominate an app leader here.

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