Florian has a long-standing background in tech and has successfully co-founded and scaled two start-ups—Gamelight, the world’s largest rewarded marketing platform, and the mobile publisher catbyte.

Driven by a passion for technological advancements, Florian and his team developed the advertising network Gamelight. This cutting-edge platform meticulously examines extensive real-time datasets, such as user app interactions, demographic information, and behaviour trends, to drive engagement and revenue for partner apps.

In your own words, what’s your role in the app business right now?

Right now, I am focusing on creating innovation in the mobile industry and enhancing user acquisition efficiency with my team at Gamelight.

How did you end up working in apps? / get started?

I started working with apps during my studies when I got a job in web and app development. I have always liked games, which eventually got me into the mobile games sector and later apps in general. So, it was my interest that led me into the field, where I can mix what I know and what I enjoy doing.

What are you most excited about in apps right now?

Right now, what excites me most about the app industry is the opening up beyond the two traditional app stores, Apple App Store and Google Play. This change can make the app world more diverse and accessible, offering developers and users more choices and opportunities. It’s a big shift that could lead to more creativity and innovation in the apps we see and use.

Is there anyone you’d like to shout out to who has influenced your journey in the app industry?

Riot Games. They’ve managed to stay at the top for many years, not just through their games but by creating a strong brand in different areas. They lead in eSports, made a hit Netflix show, Arcane, and have a very loyal community. Their ability to evolve and expand globally while keeping their fans engaged is truly inspiring.

What do you like most about working in apps?

What I appreciate most about working in apps is the accessibility of the market. Unlike other industries, entering the app world is straightforward, allowing a variety of players to bring their ideas to life and reach users globally with ease. This openness fosters a diverse and innovative environment where anyone can make an impact.

If you weren’t working in apps what would you be doing?

If I weren’t working in apps, I’d likely still be in software development, possibly exploring fields like science or physics. These areas are fascinating to me, and the potential for innovation and discovery aligns with my passion for problem-solving and creating impactful solutions.

Do you know someone driving change and growth in the app industry? Nominate an app leader here.

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