App Engagement Guide

App engagement trends and strategies to keep an eye out for in 2025.

To succeed in the dog-eat-dog app world these days, it’s not enough to just create an impressive app with stellar functionalities and interface. Developing and launching an app and acquiring users are really just the beginning of the journey.

“But, what comes next then?” I hear you ask—well, user engagement… With millions of apps saturating the app market and with rising user acquisition costs, retaining and engaging your existing users has never been more important.

Picture this: a user downloads your app, they start using it, play with it for a while and then they close it—never to open it again. It’s an all too common story, unfortunately. This is where app engagement comes in—to rescue your app from churn and abandonment and help you retain users long-term.

So, join me as I dive deep into the world of app engagement to ensure that your app stays top of mind with your users and that your UA efforts don’t go to waste. Download your copy of the guide today!

A sneak peek:

✅ Retention and key engagement metrics

✅ App user journeys and onboarding

✅ Segmentation, personalization, customization

✅ Push notifications, SMS, email campaigns, and in-app messaging

✅ Referrals, reviews, and loyalty programs

✅ Remarketing and retargeting

✅ Top engagement platforms