Scaling Mobile Apps & Games: Apptivate Live

In a live recording of the Apptivate Podcast, join Pan Katsukis, CEO of Remerge, and Oğuz Ayar, Lead User Acquisition Manager at Voodoo.

This session provides valuable insights for mobile app and game developers seeking to scale their businesses. They share their expertise on a range of critical topics, including:

Optimizing your business intelligence setup: Learn how to effectively collect, analyze, and leverage data to make informed decisions about your app’s growth strategy.

Crafting impactful creative strategies: Discover the secrets to creating compelling and engaging ad creatives that resonate with your target audience and drive installs.

Executing effective retargeting campaigns: Learn how to re-engage lapsed users and maximize your return on investment by running targeted campaigns to bring them back to your app.

This live recording offers a unique opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge from experienced professionals and learn actionable strategies to help your app grow and thrive in the competitive mobile market.

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