
Financial Software Development Company

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Itexus is a custom software development company specializing in Fintech software. Established in 2013, Itexus has accumulated extensive expertise delivering hundreds of Fintech solutions to customers in the US, Canada, Western Europe, and the Middle East, serving banks, credit unions, insurance companies, investment management firms, and Fintech startups.

Itexus stands out due to their extensive experience integrating various third-party services such as KYC and BaaS providers, broker APIs and stock market data providers, crypto exchanges, and payment gateways to deliver cutting-edge, fully compliant, and connected digital banking solutions, stock trading applications, wealth management platforms, e-wallets, and analytical solutions.

Their unique delivery model combines flexible Agile and Scrum processes with more formal project and risk management, budget control, and excellent customer service to deliver turnkey software solutions as a service.


Itexus Features

  • Fintech Industry Experience
  • Customized IT Solutions
  • Expert Teams
  • Agile Methodology
  • Data Security


George Epshtain

George Epshtain is the founder and CEO of Itexus, a custom fintech software development company. With a strong background in software engineering and project management, he has led Itexus to specialize in fintech and digital transformation solutions, helping startups and established companies alike with agile development processes.

Office Location

Żurawia 6/12/lok 766, 00-503 Warszawa, Poland, 8, The Green, STE road, Dover, DE 19901, USA

Itexus Info

Platforms:Android, iOS, Mobile Web
Verticals:Enterprise, Financial, Healthcare, Startup
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