Marina co-founded and built the STRETCHIT app without prior experience in app development. She is also a former project manager at a top FMCG company. Marina firmly believes that the fact that her background is unrelated to her current role is actually what helped her succeed. It gave her an advantage when it comes to listening, learning, navigating uncertainty, and willingness to make mistakes (and learn from them).

In your own words, what’s your role in the app business right now?

My main role is strategy and business development. However, I also enjoy mentoring the support team. I love how close they are to our customers. It allows me to deepen my knowledge of our users’ needs and get countless new ideas from our users.

How did you end up working in apps? / get started?

I first fell in love with stretching and flexibility training. I was never flexible, I was sitting 9+ hours a day at my day job. Then, in the late twenties, I started working on my flexibility and in only two years of consistent training, I was auditioning for acrobatics gigs (and being accepted among Cirque Du Soleil acrobats!).

I was convinced you can’t become a professional acrobat starting as an adult. However, our bodies are capable of amazing things. I was so inspired! Then came the idea of making my stretching method available to everyone through the app.

What are you most excited about in apps right now? (tech, trends, people, verticals)

I’m very excited about how close the apps are to customers. Most of the features we developed in the app were requested by the users. It really is a beautiful thing! I also believe that you can’t fail in the business of apps. Because you get that instant feedback from the market and it guides you on what to do next (how to change the existing product or launch a new one).

What other companies in the app space do you rate/ inspire you and why?

I won’t be original, I’m inspired by Airbnb and Uber. I love how they changed the industry and how convenient they are for users.

What do you like most about working in apps?

Instant feedback from the market, analytics capabilities, abilities to test new features, etc. On a personal level, I enjoy working remotely. We’ve done it since we started working on the app in 2014.

What one thing would you change about the app industry / market?

App Store fees 😄

Where do you think there’s an opportunity for apps / or unmet needs?

We’re in the health and fitness segment. Our biggest opportunity is to inspire people to train. We’re in the business of building a habit. That’s the only way to succeed in our space.

If you weren’t working in apps what would you be doing?

I’ve been in the business of apps for 9 years already. It became second nature. But I’m sure I’d work in B2C and I’d work with people and for people.

iOS or Android?


What app(s) have been most useful to you over the last year?

Social media apps, retail apps, and banking apps

What’s on your Spotify / Music party playlist?

I only have one playlist and it’s Disney songs for my 3-year-old. I like music but don’t really listen to it. I prefer silence or sounds of nature.

Any Netflix/ TV show recommendations?

I don’t really watch Netflix or TV shows.

Is there anything else we should know about you?

I’m an FMCG executive turned acrobat turned app entrepreneur. I’m also a first-generation immigrant and a single mom (meaning I’m brave, I’m resourceful, and get things done). I love life. ❤️️

Do you know someone driving change and growth in the app industry? Nominate an app leader here.