Editorial FAQ

Here are some answers to some of the common questions about our editorial policies. If you have any questions you can contact us here and if you are interested in promoting your service with us then you can find our advertiser page here.

How are companies chosen to be included in the industry guides and lists?

The lists are compiled by our editorial team. Companies are reviewed based on a number of basic qualitative factors such as brand awareness, presence in other rankings, client base, and client reviews, as well as a thorough review of the focus/offering itself.

What methodology is used to compile the industry guides and lists?

Our team is comprised of various expertise spanning all areas of the mobile and app industry. We provide unbiased reviews and round-ups of industry players centered around a specific focus or offering. The writers do use our directory as a starting point to find companies that fall within these categories in addition to research on the web for others.

How often do you release these lists?

Our lists are written and released on an ongoing basis, with multiple guides released every month.

How are the companies ranked in the lists?

The lists generally present a snapshot of a specific area. The order of companies in our lists is in neither ascending nor descending order and is based on the decision of the editorial team.

Our company was included in one of your lists. Why were we chosen?

Congratulations on being included in our top lists; your company was included because it scored highly among the important criteria for that list.

How can I provide more information about my company and get considered for future lists?

You can begin by filling out this form to tell us more about your company.

More questions? Get in touch with us here.